Bella Fox

Interests: Lifestyle, Piercing Care, Styling Tips

Bella Fox is a lifestyle blogger who loves to incorporate piercings into her aesthetic. She enjoys sharing tips on how to style and care for piercings. Bella's writing is fun, friendly, and full of practical tips.

Articles By This Author

Managing an Infected Nose Piercing: From Detection to Treatment
Piercing Infections and Treatments Piercing Care and Healing

Managing an Infected Nose Piercing: From Detection to Treatment

Dive into our handy guide on managing infected nose piercings! Learn to spot early signs, understand common causes, and discover immediate first aid steps. We'll also guide you on when to seek medical help and how to prevent future infections. Let's keep those piercings happy and healthy!

Helix vs Forward Helix Piercing: Decoding the Differences and Aftercare
Types of Piercings Piercing Care and Healing

Helix vs Forward Helix Piercing: Decoding the Differences and Aftercare

Helix or Forward Helix? Our blog post dives deep into the world of ear piercings, comparing these two popular styles. Learn about their anatomical differences, piercing process, healing times, and jewelry options. We also break down costs and provide a thorough aftercare guide. Take our quiz to find out which piercing suits you best!